Jumat, 20 September 2013

CHIN FILLERS + BOTOX= One point V Face

Oops, I did it AGAIN!!!

It has been a good 7 months after my surgery in Seoul. I can proudly say that I am more or less fully recovered. My nose and my eyes are not swollen anymore and are here to stay permanently.

However, the fats graft that were injected to give me a more augmented chin somehow 'died' and diminished, leaving me with the same old receded chin that i had before.

I have always wanted a slimmer and more oval face which is V shaped and i LOVED the results of fats graft, however, good things do not last. Therefore, I had the urge to seek a remedy for this.

and I am so glad to have found Dr Tiffiny Yang Aesthetic & Surgery Clinic when i needed help the most!!! (Found the spelling of her name to be very unique, usually it's spelt Tiffany with an 'a' but hers is spelt 'Tiffiny' with an I)

After intensive research online and from friends, I have chosen Dr Tiffiny Yang to give me back my chin and my V face because I was so attracted to Dr Tiffiny's 1-point V Contour. Their products are of medical grade and the LASER and IPL systems are assuredly FDA (USA), HSA (Singapore), and CE (EU) approved.

TYAS has also been awarded the Singapore Excellence Award 2013/2014. 

Please read on for more details on this exclusive procedure.

Information about Dr Tiffiny's 1-point V Face:

Dr Tiffiny Yang combines just a single session of face slimming by Botox injection and chin augmentation by filler injection. It is nonetheless relatively pain-free with minimal (1-2) injections at every site to achieve a beautiful V contour of the face. This is a non-surgical procedure.
This is a 2 step process in a single session. The first step involves facial slimming with Botox injection to shrink the masseter muscles at the jaw, so as to achieve a slimmer contour of the face. The second step creates the V by augmenting the chin and shaping it into the ideal face shape.
The treatment synergistically combines the effect of face slimming by both botox jaw reduction and chin augmentation with filler. This gives a far better result than each single procedure alone.

And so... my journey to a V face begins....

Day of consultation!!! I was so excited and anticipating this day.

Entrance of the clinic.

Inside the clinic. See my round face, totally different from the initial times when I had fats graft injected.

Took more pictures while waiting for Dr Tiffiny to be ready. Check out the very sweet looking paper bag from the clinic. Love the girly, feminine fonts on it that spells Dr Tiffiny's name.

They also carry a range of very good products which usually sell out very fast. They have Crystal Tomato too! Heard from my friends that this product really helps in whitening but I have yet to try it out. Probably will do so next time.

The moment has arrived! Dr Tiffiny gave me a very warm welcome. A very dainty, gentle lady who is professional, knowledgeable and passionate about beauty and aesthetics. Her level of expertise and gentle touch has won her numerous satisfied patients too.

 Before proceeding with the treatment, I had a consultation with Dr Tiffiny first. Was telling her about my diminished fats graft and how I would love a V shape face.

 Dr Tiffiny was very patient and detailed in explaining the the steps to this treatment. She also mentioned that it is a very safe procedure compared to surgeries.

I had been skeptical but with the confidence and assurance from Dr. Tiffiny Yang – having my doubts cleared with patience and detailed explanation -
I have decided to proceed with the 1 point V face treatment!

I was led into the surgical room and numbing cream was applied around the area of my chin. Meanwhile, had to wait a few minutes for the numbing cream to be absorbed into the skin and I took this time to read the terms and details of this treatment.

 15 minutes later after the numbing cream has set in, the injections of the chin filler begins.

V Shape Face by Chin Augmentation
A short or stubby chin is the nemesis of the ideal face shape for beauty. Using hyaluronic acid filler injections, you can reshape your chin, therefore improving both your side and frontal profile.
Hyaluronic acid filler is a proteoglycan similar to what is also found in our skin, eyes and joints. It is highly reversible, either by dissolution or natural breakdown by the body over months, and has been found to be very safe for facial contouring.
For chin contouring, it only takes one, at most two injections, with Dr Tiffiny Yang’s 1-point V contour technique, therefore minimising the pain with almost no downtime. For first-time fillers, an average of 1-2cc of filler is sufficient. Pain is minimised with the use of filler that contains lignocaine to numb the injected areas.
Possible side effects
An occasional side effect is some dull aching and slight bruising under the chin for a few days. Swelling is minimal and the result is obvious immediately.

 I was told to relax as tensed muscles would inflict more pain. As the needles go through me, i felt slight but bearable pain which lasted as long as 3 second maximum. (Just like ant bites)

 After about 5 minutes, it was almost done! Dr Tiffiny gently massaged my chin so that the fillers would be at the correct positions. The V-shape can be obviously seen IMMEDIATELY after the injections!!

 Was given a mirror to look at my new and visible chin, was VERY HAPPY to see my chin again!!!

Very obvious right!! So glad to have made the decision to come here. But anyway, I was told that after 2-3 days, the chin will reduce by 20% due to the loss of water. The remaining fillers in the chin would be here to stay for the next 6-12 months! I would be looking more natural in a few days time.

The next step is V Shape Face by Botox Jawline Reduction

The masseters are two bulky muscles on each side of the angle of your jaw. They serve as muscles of mastication, which means they help you chew. There are two other muscle groups that also perform this function, namely the temporalis muscles and the pterygoid muscles.
With excessive chewing or grinding at night (in a condition known as bruxism), the masseters at the jawline can grow to quite a size (causing the jaws to look square), much like how body builders grow their abs and pects by training them. Relaxing the muscles by injecting Botox is effective in shrinking the jawline, thereby reducing the square jaw appearance.
How is it done?
Botox is injected into the masseters on each side of the face and spread out at multiple points within the muscle. With Dr. Tiffiny Yang’s proprietary 1-point V Face technique, it only takes one injection per side of jaw and is completed in under 5 minutes. It is highly effective, with minimal or no pain and absolutely no downtime at all. The procedure is a non surgical procedure, and the face sliming effect is seen at any time between 2 to 8 weeks.
Possible side effects
With Dr. Tiffiny Yang’s 1-point V Face technique, you will almost always walk out with no swelling or bruising, perhaps with just one invisible needle mark. In the first week, there may be a slight dull ache over the muscles, especially with chewing. This should be transient and resolve within a week. You should abstain from massaging the muscles and from lying down for 4 hours after the procedure.
 Ice pack was placed on my cheeks and jaw area to facilitate numbing.                                                      

   And so it began! I was given 40 units of Botox on my left jaw and 30units on my right side as Dr Tiffiny said that my left side is slightly bulkier than m right side. 

 I was given one jab on each side and the whole procedure was completed! Very fast and hassle free.

Botox would take 1-2 months to take effect and by then, I would have a nice and complete V shape face!

A big THANK YOU to Dr Tiffiny and the wonderful staff for beautifying me and giving me my desired V-shape face, I left the clinic as a very happy and satisfied customer.
More pics below!

Park Mall #12-22
9 Penang Road
Singapore 238459

+65 6338 9448


Opening Hours:
Mondays to Fridays: 1100am – 2000pm
Saturdays: 1100am – 1400pm (by appointment only)



Picture right before the treatment and right after the treatment.

Will be updating more very very soon! Stay tuned to the results of my Botox injections and full results of my V shape face.

Thank you for reading!

jual bantal foto

Senin, 09 September 2013

[Hotel Review] Shangri-La Singapore Presidential Sutie

Occupying a spacious 346 square meters, the luxurious Shangri-la Suite (also known as the Presidential Suite) in the Valley Wing of the Shangri-la Singapore Hotel is probably one of the largest hotel rooms one can find in the city state. For over two decades, this has been the preferred 5-star lodging for many heads of state and dignitaries when they visit Singapore and it’s easy to see why. Featuring two bedrooms, its own gym, a personal butler and even its own private entrance, the suite is almost like its own world, away from the conviviality of the three main towers that comprise the Shangri-la Singapore. If you have 10,900 Singapore Dollars (USD 8,720) to spare, this is certainly a luxurious way to spend it!

 I had the opportunity to check out the Presidential Suite during my last stay in Shangri-la Singapore. Coming in from the private entrance, I was greeted by a most elegant, marble-floored hallway, the type I would often picture a butler leading me to if I ever get to enter one of those stately palaces of Europe. This made for a nice segue way to the entertainment area, fitted with beautiful walnut timber flooring from the United States and handmade rugs.  This huge room contains the living, drawing and formal dining areas, the type I could easily imagine the presidents of the world sitting in while discussing foreign policy with their advisers. The living area is at once very much refined but at the same time fitted to easily suit the needs of business magnates and world leaders. The seating space here could easily fit more than two dozen people.

 the living area

 working area in the suite!

dining table

There is also a large balcony that offers a spectacular panoramic view of the lush gardens, swimming pool and exteriors of the two other wings of the Shangri-la. But the highlight to me is the imperial-looking master bedroom – made even more so by the very fact that the likes of Obama, George Bush and President Aquino of the Philippines had slept in the bed – complete with Italian silk bedspreads – gracing the room.  As if the level of detail is not enough, all guests staying in the suite are presented with their own personalized bathrobes, pillowcases and stationery.

master bedroom – the likes of beckham, obama, george bush and president aquino of the philippines have slept on this very bed

 spacious bathroom adjoining the master bedroom – this is bigger than some of the hotel rooms in singapore’s newer boutique hotels

a private sauna overlooking the lush Tanglin area of singapore

in-suite gym

the second bedroom – for dignitaries staying, this is usually where the bodyguards sleep
Shangri-la Hotel Singapore
22 Orange Grove Road
Singapore 258350
Tel:+65 6737 3644

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Minggu, 08 September 2013

[Hotel Review] Pan Pacific Hotel Singapore

For over 27 years, the Pan Pacific Singapore has managed to achieve a somewhat rare feat for a hotel in this ever-changing country – it’s kept itself constantly relevant and popular. One would be hard-pressed to find another hotel in the city state that has been around for this long and continues to receive award after award and be equally popular among guests. Thanks to an $80 million renovation in 2012, the hotel has managed to stay fresh and most importantly, interesting throughout all these years.

 the atrium of pan pacific singapore

I had the pleasure of checking out the Pan Pacific Singapore over one weekend. Arriving at the hotel during midday, I half-expected to witness a snaking queue for check-in. But there was none. More importantly, I didn’t even have to check in, at least not in the traditional sense! Guests are actually able to sit by the lobby bar with drink in hand, while a staff member does the actual formalities on an iPad. Pacific Club members go a step further, with a dedicated counter inside a room for check-in. For my case, check-in took place on my room itself. A Pacific Club staff member talked me through the notable features in my room after obtaining my signature.

what a room!
My jaw dropped as I entered the room. I wasn’t even staying in a suite. Nonetheless, my Pacific Harbour Studio was already of the same size as a 2-bedroom condominium unit! At 65 square meters, the room was not just big in size but also in terms of offerings. These are just some of the things that blew me away:
  • Not one, but two 32″ flat-screen TVs
  • A balcony – seriously, where else can you find a balcony in a hotel room these days?!
  • The balcony came with a panoramic view of the skyline around Marina Bay
  • Mini-bar with complimentary non-alcoholic drinks and snacks
  • A large, square bathtub
  • A spacious living and work area
generous work area

Overall, the room had a sharp and contemporary look that undoubtedly stemmed from the 2012 renovation. During the whole time I couldn’t help but secretly wish that I was living here!

goodies for pacific club members
The room was choc-filled with amenities. The fruit basket, cookie jar and complimentary chocolates from the hotel’s own grocery assured me that my midnight snack plans were well taken cared of. The in-room Nespresso machine and complimentary non-alcoholic drinks in the minibar was another plus. I was certainly one happy camper by this point.

toiletries from elemis
Like any respectable luxury hotel, the shower was partitioned – generously if I may add, and it was the same case for the toilet. Toiletries and other amenities were provided copiously, including items I don’t normally see elsewhere – comb, dental kit, shower cap, and even the iconic Tiger Balm. Given the completeness, I’m pretty sure that if I had forgotten to bring and asked housekeeping for a shirt, they would be been able to provide me with some as well!

Pacific Club at Pan Pacific Singapore

 the pacific club

The Pacific Club offers afternoon tea from 3 to 5PM daily and evening cocktails between 6 to 8PM. I dropped by at around 7PM, just in time to catch blue hour and the lighting of the surrounding buildings. Looking back, it was truly sublime sitting there just looking at the view, with a drink in hand. The ambiance factor at this point was simply off the charts.

 highlights of the evening cocktails at pacific club

A range of canapes and small cakes were made available during evening cocktails – the selection changes day to day. The staff here were extremely attentive and went out of their way for guests. I had asked about a drink that was not in the drinks menu and the bartender offered to make it, to my surprise.

I went back to my room afterwards to catch the 8PM lights show at Marina Bay Sands. This was the view that I got from the room’s balcony.

 the view from my room

There was also a note offering guests the convenience of expedited check-out. This involved the filling out and signing of a short form, and voila, no need to queue anymore during check-out. It’s a good thing to avail of especially for those in a hurry to leave. Though it would be a shame to leave such a nice hotel in a hurry.

Breakfast at Edge

Pacific Club members have the option of champagne breakfast in the club lounge or at the all-day dining restaurant, Edge. For the variety, I chose to have my first meal of the day at the latter. Edge boasts of several stations, ranging from Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Western. There is also a local Singaporean section featuring old favorites such as nasi lemak and char kway teow. I was certainly spoiled for choice here in terms of variety but my personal pick would have to be the western section, with its fantastic selection of both chicken and pork sausages, crunchy bacon just the way I like them and crispy hash browns.


Wow – just wow! The rooms here are topnotch, and the fixtures are certainly enough to impress. As an added tip, it’s worthwhile to book for higher category rooms such as Harbour Studios as these normally cost only $100 extra but are nearly double the size of the standard rooms and come with club access as well. The club lounge here is another highlight, with an unheard of round-the-clock service and sweeping views of the city.
The great thing about Pan Pacific Singapore is that the hotel has no less than 8 room categories. I was able to check out some of the others and I can say that each category is quite distinct from the other. There are rooms that are more reminiscent of Scandinavian design while others exemplify a more neo-Asian look. Frequent guests will not be bored trying out the different rooms here. I certainly wouldn’t mind visiting again to have a taste of the others.
Pan Pacific Singapore
7 Raffles Boulevard, Marina Square, Singapore 039595

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