Kamis, 06 November 2014

[Review] chin-fillers-botox-one-point-v-face 2

More than a month has passed after my first session at  Dr Tiffiny Yang Aesthetic & Surgery Clinic. In case you haven't read yet, I did One Point V Face treatment which consists of chin fillers and botox to achieve a slimmer, v-shaped look.

The chin fillers showed immediate effects and around 20-30% of it would subside after about a week. However, for botox to take effect, it takes approximately 1 month after injection. So here I am again updating the results of my treatment because botox have fully kicked in by now.

These are my most recent pics, the above 2 pics were taken just yesterday and the third pic was taken without any make up the day before. Taken with my iphone 4 (I feel the camera is lousy and I am so going to get a better phone with a better camera really really soon) But anyway, even though the camera is lousy, you can see from the pics that my face is visibly and obviously sharper than before. Chin fillers have subsided slightly since my first session but it's still obvious and sharp!!! Exactly how i wanted it to be :)

Forgot to mention that the pics were totally NOT EDITED or filtered.

Here's my before and after picture:



Now that the pictures are put close together, you can see the difference right? My face was so fat and broad before the treatment. Now, it's slimmer with that cute chin!!! Once again, I must emphasize that I did not edit the pictures at all as I want to show the actual and true effects of this treatment.

I had Botox twice before and both times, I didn't get the expected results and I was disappointed. The first time I had it done at a clinic in Singapore, they were having a promotion and I wanted to try it, but it wasn't that cheap too, I remembered it costs about $700 after taxes. After 2 months, I saw no difference at all to the shape of my face and I went back to the clinic. The doctor gave me more botox injections. Another 2 months later, I saw NO DIFFERENCE again and I went back, they gave me more injections again. Finally, I still didn't see a difference but I didn't bother to go back anymore because I have already given up hope on their product. I felt that all my money was wasted.

The second time I had botox again was in Chiang Mai, I visited a clinic over there and got it done at about SGD$200+ which was cheap compared to getting it done in Singapore but of course don't follow my foot steps if you are not sure because there are more risks involved in getting it done overseas. The results were the same, no difference.

I almost gave up on the belief that Botox could really help reduce the jaw muscles and give you a slimmer face until I decided to give it one last shot at  Dr Tiffiny Yang Aesthetic & Surgery Clinic. Finally, Botox worked for me!!! My pictures above have painted a thousand words. I trust and believe in the quality of their products and their professionalism has won me over. Dr Tiffiny is really gentle and caring, you can see it when you speak to her during consultation, she works with sincerity and passion, not like some other doctors which i visited before.

It is so true that when you decide to go through all these invasive or even non-invasive surgeries, the doctors and clinics you visit must be reputable and credible, if you go to any Tom, Dick and Harry clinics like me in the past, it is highly likely that your money would go to waste. I was very lucky that other than having gotten my money wasted, nothing bad has happened to my face.

Of course not all clinics are bad, there are many good ones around and  Dr Tiffiny Yang Aesthetic & Surgery Clinic is definitely one place I can strongly recommend to everyone and anyone who is searching for a good clinic.

This is something I have learnt from my past experiences and hope it has taught you something too :)

Park Mall #12-22
9 Penang Road
Singapore 238459

+65 6338 9448


Opening Hours:
Mondays to Fridays: 1100am – 2000pm
Saturdays: 1100am – 1400pm (by appointment only)



jual bantal foto

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